Hello Friends, I’m Stephanie
I am a certified yoga instructor, an essential oil counselor, a householder, a wife and a mother. At heart, I am a nurturer. I love genuine connections and communion that bring insight into my life and inspire others. I am honored to continue learning the ancient wisdom of nature, as I will always have my nose in a book. I love to study and learn from those who have walked the path before me. The ability to share and pass along this wisdom to others is a gift. My goal is to help bring awareness and consciousness into our daily lives as a collective. The more kind hearts we have sharing the love of alchemy, nature, plants and sacred rituals, the better a world we will live in.
my story.
My health journey began in 2013, five years after my dad passed away. I was heartbroken to my core. Nothing I was doing to escape the pain was working. It only left me feeling more lonely and empty. For many years I was stuck in a well of unhealthy habits. I was in deep despair and denial. When I emerged years later, I was drained. It was this desperation for soul connection that guided me. I was determined to get healthy. I knew I needed to make a drastic change in order to find happiness and forgiveness.
I craved slow days, wild nature and a deeper connection with myself. I was seeking purity in all forms: in the food I consumed, in the company I kept, in how I spent my alone time and in my creative work. I was in the early stages of calling in the life I had always wanted, but never felt worthy to receive.
As my confidence grew, so did my frequency. I was shocked when certain members of my community, the ones I deeply admired, began befriending me. In a short matter of time I became well known and respected in my community. My relationship with my own self-worth expanded and made room for this love. When the time came to meet a romantic partner, I felt ready. I was ready to give and receive the love I had always dreamed of.
It has been eight years since I began making gradual changes in my life. Looking back, it is the best gift I ever gave myself; a new outlook on life. I am now in a loving and happy marriage. I am the mother to a beautiful soul, Owen. I have meaningful new friendships and I have healed wounds with my older friendships.
Through my experience I discovered that if I want to maintain lifelong relationships I have to give and receive compassion, grace, forgiveness and acceptance. I have to first forgive myself and forgive my past. I formed a new relationship with grief and pain. Eventually it was my mistakes and hardships that led me to the personal growth and development I enjoy today.
Through all my trainings and experience, I have been able to identify and release old thought patterns that had stunted my personal growth and distracted me from living in my true nature. I am deeply grateful for the teachers who guided me to the light and encouraged me to walk confidently into my purpose.
It is with great joy that I am here today. Receiving and sharing beautiful messages and lessons. Thank you for reading.
xx, Stephanie

my mission.
I believe we are all born with the ability to heal ourselves. Given the right set of tools and knowledge, we are capable of reversing disease, healing trauma and overcoming grief. We all have the ability to raise our vibrations and radiate joy. My intention behind my work is to provide real steps in accomplishing these goals. To encourage us to disconnect from the alternate reality that we see on social media platforms and instead dig deep within to find our true nature. To envision a life of whole health.
Everything I share on this site comes from pure intention to help others feel a deeper connection to themselves and the world around them. To help others realize their potential. To drop judgement. To live in love and kindness. To seek the highest version of yourself so you can shine the light on others to do the same.
My hope is to spread awareness. To uplift and encourage you to rise up and embrace your true nature. To be a living example that real change can occur if you have the discipline to make the shifts in your life to be a better person, a better partner, a better healer, a better mother or a better friend. Because nothing changes if nothing changes.
my credentials.
Essential Oil Specialist Course
with doTERRA -
Flagler College, BA in Liberal Arts with a focus in Religion, Philosophy & Political Science
200-hour RYT with 8 Limbs Yoga
300-hour RYT with Ivy Yoga School
Level 1 Reiki with Deborah Lones
Level 1 Astrology with Amy Commander
Level 1 Insight into the Oracle (Tarot) with Amy Commander
“Stephanie’s knowledge of essential oils goes above & beyond. She’s made every purchase experience enjoyable due to her warm personality and caring attitude. I always look forward to communicating with her because she really makes the time spent with you worthwhile.”
— Whitney John