Beauty & Lifestyle

Natural Beauty | Allowing The Forces of Nature to Adorn + Heal Your Skin


The EQG says, “On average, women use 12 personal care products a day, exposing themselves to 168 chemical ingredients. Men use six, exposing themselves to 85 unique chemicals.”

What we put on our body is equally as important as what we are putting in it. The products we use daily absorb into our bloodstream and have a direct effect on the health of our body. It is so important to be aware of harmful ingredients hiding in our daily products.

Today, my idea of beauty is allowing my natural radiance to shine. I do this by allowing nature to heal and revitalize my skin. A healthy relationship with the sun, the ocean, fresh air, the earth and of course plants help to enhance my natural beauty and simplify my beauty routine. My biggest beauty secret: do less and allow the elements of nature to nourish your body. I’ve found these products help enhance my natural beauty.





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