
A Few of My Favorite Things | From My Kitchen To Yours


Like a true Cancer Sun, I love to cook. My kitchen is one of my favorite rooms in my home. I spend a lot of time in that corner of my house. I love feeding my friends and family and eating delicious healthy meals. I think sitting down and enjoying a meal is one of the best ways to connect to nature, yourself and those around you. I certainly love to have a well stocked and equip kitchen to make it easier to enjoy the time I spend preparing meals.

When I buy tools for my kitchen, I prefer to invest in higher quality products which will perform consistently over a longer period of time without the need for frequent replacing. Below you will see a few of my essential kitchen tools that really do make cooking meals from scratch much more accessible and enjoyable. I emphasize the use of reusable, non-toxic, sustainable and eco-friendly products as much as possible. The kitchen is a wonderful place to begin implementing sustainably conscious behavior that will eventually bleed into other areas of your life.




Essential Oils

